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This project couldn't have happened without our amazing supporters. Find out more here.

The success of this project is purely due to the support and help of a wide and diverse group of people. We are extremely grateful for all support, enthusiasm, encouragement and generosity!

Violeta Alvarez has been a strong driving force behind the archive website project. Since ISMA’s spring meeting in Hamburg in 2017 when she initiated the idea, right through to the launch of the site and beyond, Violeta has been supporting, guiding and cajoling the team right the way through the project.

Tim Street and Basil Carmody are well known among the Six Metre community. Both of these gentlemen have been extremely generous in sharing their own collections and huge depth of knowledge of the historical Sixes. In particular, Basil’s system of a unique ID code for each boat has been used in the project and underpins the website. The site could not function without the support they have given and we thank them for their enthusiasm and faith in the project!

Tim Russell, secretary to the Six Metre Class, has generously given his time, knowledge and wisdom to this project. Tim, we are extremely grateful!

Behind the scenes Charlie Alexander, James Harris and Sofia Grael administer the site and are responsible for gathering the archives, scanning, cataloguing and regularly uploading them to the website.

Alongside them are numerous individuals who have shared their own collections with the project. Contributions have ranged from single items to numerous boxes of material, much of which will be appearing on the site in the near future. If you have sent us material to share, thank you!

We are always looking for more items to add to the site. If you think you have something of interest, then please do get in touch.

We are extremely grateful to all those who have made a financial contribution – many of whom have chosen to stay anonymous – to help the project along. To all of you, thank you!

If you would like to become a supporter of the project please contact the ISMA secretary, Tim Russell.