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Using the site

Boat profiles

The information on the boat profile pages has been gathered from a number of sources. It is principally built on the work of two individuals, Basil Carmody and Tim Street, who between them have spent years tracking down and recording the 1200+ Six Metres that have been built. Additional information, including the years in which names changed, sail numbers and dimensions were taken from Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, original source material which is contemporaneous with the boats. We have also included information from boat owners and images from the archive.

Each boat has been given a unique ID code which you can use to search effectively for an individual Six Metre. The codes are based on a system developed by Basil Carmody and include a 4 digit date and two letter country followed by a two digit number. For example, if you were to search for “1947SE01” it would bring up records relating to the Swedish 1947 boat Gallant. This will hopefully improve potential confusion caused by replicated names. The codes can be found on the boat profile pages.

Please note that, despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information you find is completely accurate. It is constantly being added to as new information arises, and hopefully will become more accurate with time. If you have any information you would like to add to this area please get in touch.

The archive

The material included in the archive comes from sources worldwide. Through collaboration with individuals, museums, archives, yacht clubs and photographers, we are building up a rich resource of original material for researchers and enthusiasts to explore. Over time the collection will build.

Using the archive

All of the archive material on the site is available for personal research purposes. If you wish to use the archive for anything else please check the copyright information on the individual record for further guidance. We have used Creative Commons licenses to help clarify how you can use the material. For more information on our use of copyright please see our copyright policy.

All downloaded pdfs are searchable.

Race results

This area of the site can be explored to find race results for Six Metre regattas over more than 100 years. To start the project we have concentrated on adding the bigger races such as the Olympics and World Championships. In time we will add results from more and more events. You may also find race results included in documents in the archive as well as more detailed reports and documentation.
If you have any race results you would like to share with us – or you spot any mistakes – please get in touch.