Support the archive. Submit your records or donate here!

We need your support

Submit your records or make a donation to the International Six Metre Archive.

Can you help us out?

The Six Metre archive website was launched in August 2019. Since then the site has gone from strength to strength. We now have:

  • More than 1100 archive records, and lots more on the way!
  • Over 100 sets of race results
  • 8 Six Metre stories
  • More than 1200 boat profile pages

We are really proud of everything we have achieved and we want to keep growing but, in order to keep up the momentum, we need your help. The site is free for all to use and we want to keep it that way, but we rely on donations to keep us going. As with every project of this type it comes at a cost.

The project is funded entirely through support from generous individuals and we would love you to join them. All donations are gratefully received and will help to keep the site running and free for all to use as we move into our next year. If you are a regular user of the site or a supporter of the class, we would like to invite you to send us a donation!

If you would like to send us a gift using our secure system, please click the button below.

Submit your archives

Do you have Six Metre archives you can share with us? You can also support our project by contributing your records. If you have historical documents, plans, photographs or objects relating to Six Metres we would love to hear from you. Send us more information here and we’ll be in touch.

We also have some specific gaps in our collection that we would love your help with. We need:

  • Profile pictures – if you own or sail a Six Metre we would love to have a photograph to add to its profile page (if there isn’t one already). So send us your favourite action shots!
  • More languages – we want to see a variety of languages and countries represented on the site, and at the moment our archives are English-heavy. So please, if you have archives in any language, don’t worry about sending them our way.
  • Race results – we are always looking to increase the number of race results available on the website. If you have any past results that we don’t already have online then please get in touch.
  • Stories – Our Six Metre Stories section is always in need of new and interesting content. You might be a photographer looking for somewhere to display your pictures, or a researcher with an essay to share. Perhaps you have been researching your family’s Six Metres or have some fun anecdotes to share. Anything goes in this section, so please do let us know if you have any ideas.
  • Feedback – Feedback is really important to help us improve the site in the future. If there are things that you either love or hate about the site, or you find something frustrating or difficult to use please let us know.



The Six Metre Archive wouldn’t be what it is without the support of all those who have helped us along the way, either through financial help or by sending us archives. We are grateful for all your support and we are looking forward to seeing what the next year will bring!