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Advert featuring Lea, 1923

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Advert from The Rudder 1923, for Valentine’s Valspar varnish, featuring a photograph of Lea. The text headline reads “Lea -The Biggest Point Winner for the British-American Cup.” Lea had been the leading point scorer of all entrants in 1922.


“Two firsts to Lea in the International Six-Meter Trophy races– each win under different weather conditions.
Her first winning race was sailed in a light breeze. Masterfully handled by C. Sherman Hoyt, Lea proved a wonder in beating to windward. Her second victory was won with a stiff breeze kicking up the white caps–the contenders crossing the finish-line with lee rails awash.
All in all the International series was a triumph for American yachting. And a triumph for Valspar.

All eight of the six-meter sloops entered–British and American–were finished with Valspar, the internationally famous waterproof varnish.”

Archive ID
Tom Harnish
Public Domain
British American Cup [1922]
Publication Name
The Rudder
Title of article
Lea--The Biggest Point Winner for the British-American Cup.
Publication Date
Publication Number of Pages