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Lalage, Scotland, 1936

Archive Item Type:

View of Lalage on the hard on props, probably shortly after arriving in Scotland. A man is rubbing down the hull, while three others look on. The photograph was taken during the 1936 British American Cup. Lalage was racing on the British team.

Results for the 1936 British American Cup can be found here.

Photograph by Christopher Boardman, owner of Lalage. The image was included in an untitled album of pictures. The images from the album are thought to have been taken at the British American Cup, Greenock and Burnham on Crouch, UK in 1936. Other images from the album can be found here.


Archive ID
Original ID Number
cab3 284
Contact copyright holder for permission to reproduce
Copyright Holder
Boardman Family/Ludham Community Archive Group
British American Cup [1936]