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Nada in Hankö, 1933

Archive Item Type:

Photograph of two men in a dinghy inspecting Nada, moored in Hankö. This is from a series of images showing Nada’s arrival in Norway for the 1933 Scandinavian Gold Cup.

The original caption reads: “Gold Cup, Hanko, 1933. The KNS official measurer checking Nada’s certificate”

Photograph by Christopher Boardman. The image was included in an untitled album of pictures. The images from the album were taken at the Scandinavian Gold Cup in Hankö, Norway, and Burnham on Crouch, UK in 1933/34. Other images from the album can be found here.


Archive ID
Original ID Number
CAB5 221
Contact copyright holder for permission to reproduce
Copyright Holder
Boardman Family/Ludham Community Archive Group
Oslo, Norway
Scandinavian Gold Cup [1933]