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Competing for the USA, in July 1949 Goose (US81) took part in the British-American Cup, which was staged in the Solent, UK. The Americans won the match and in individual scores Goose finished 3rd overall.

In 1973, Goose (US81) raced in the first International Six Metre World Cup in Seattle and finished in 5th place.

Goose also achieved Top 5 finishes, in the Classic Division, of the 2009 (5th), 2017 (2nd) and 2019 (4th) World Championships.

Boat ID
Boat Names
Build Year
Build Country
Sail Numbers
First number recorded: US81
Olin Stephens
Restored or rebuilt
Olin Stephens (1957) Hull rebuilt
Significant Dates
Boat Measurements
Rule Number
Rule 3

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