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St. Francis V

St. Francis V (US100) was launched in 1973 and in the same year won the 1st International Six Metre World Cup in Seattle, USA. She then placed 4th in the 1979 World Cup.

She also competed at the 1983 Worlds in Newport, USA and at the 2017 World Championships in Vancouver, Canada.


Boat ID
Boat Names
Original name: St. Francis V Other names: Joli II (name changed in 1976) Spirit (name changed in 1977) U.S. 100 (name changed in 1982) St. Francis V (name changed in 1985) Joli Sprit Last name recorded: St. Francis V
Build Year
Build Country
Sail Numbers
First number recorded: US100 (1977)
Gary Mull
Restored or rebuilt
Significant Dates
Boat Measurements
Rule Number
Rule 3

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