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Race report, 1947

Archive Item Type:

A report written by the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club race committee with information on Six Metre racing during the 1947 season. Includes reports on the the Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup and the Scandinavian Gold Cup.

The document includes: a copy of a circular from January 1947 distributed to Six Metre sailors in America; instructions and reports on the trials for the Seawanhaka Cup; instructions and a report on the Seawanhaka Cup races; instructions and reports on the trials for the Scandinavian Gold Cup; minutes of the organising committee of the Scandinavian Gold Cup Match; Instructions and reports on the Scandinavian Gold Cup races.

Title: “Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club Record of Matches in 1947”

36 pages.

Archive ID
Copyright Holder
Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club
Scandinavian Gold Cup [1947] Seawanhaka Cup [1947]